what is the smartest way to invest your tax dollar?

Every child is a born Einstine. our education system turns them into Clark
Every child is a born Einstine. our education system turns them into Clark
(The main article was published in Sydney Morning Herald)
  • For centuries the great advantage has been seen as inherited wealth. But, as The Economist magazine pointed out a few years ago, in the knowledge economy it’s probably just as advantageous, maybe more, to inherit your intelligence from two highly educated, well-paid, education-conscious and bookish parents.
  • We should worry a lot about the continuing high high-school dropout rate. They join the workforce without a good grasp of the basics and the rest of your working life is likely to be ‘‘problematic’’.
  • The bad news is that, when it comes to making sure all children attend preschool, Australians started much later than most of the other rich countries and aren’t catching up nearly as fast as Australians would be if we had more sense.

    we need to invest more in preschool
  •  According to the Ontario early learning study, ‘‘the early years from conception to age six have the most important influence of any time in the life cycle on brain development and learning, behavior, and health’’. Early experiences and stimulating, positive interactions with adults and other children are far more important for brain development than previously realized

investing in early learning is a widely accepted approach, backed by extensive evidence, for governments and families to foster children’s development, lay the foundations for future learning and well-being, and reduce downstream expenditure on health, welfare, and justice’

    • While all children benefit from high quality early learning, research also shows that children experiencing higher levels of disadvantage benefit the most, and can even catch up to their more advantaged peers
    • Nearly a quarter of Australian children arrive at school with significant vulnerabilities – in their knowledge and communication, their social skills and emotional wellbeing, or in their physical health.
    • A child’s risk of being developmentally vulnerable is inversely correlated with their socio-economic status.
    • British research shows 16-year-olds who attended at least two years of preschool were three times more likely to take a higher academic pathway after leaving school.
    • It’s easier to get kids up to speed in preschool than at any later level of education. The smart way to improve the performance of the system is to start at the bottom. Make sure we get preschool right, and the benefits will flow on to schools, TAFE and Uni.


Ridiculous rules, condition and situation in the world that need to be changed

1. A woman in a random day looks like this.

And she on her “those days”  of the month looks like this.


And not like this 👇🏿

Periods are natural and not under the will. 

So stop mocking something natural and those ridiculous rules in the name of restriction like do not enter the temple. And this too – ( I am not kidding, this really happens in India)

2. If he is special

she is more special

because rare things are more valuable.

Sex ratio in India 945 females for every 1,000 males. [Sex Ratio in India] (same situation in China too)

4. You don’t need to be shameful while buying this,

Show shame while doing this,

5. The permanent solution to temporary problems isn’t this,

8. Just going here

doesn’t make you a MANTry being huMAN instead.

9. Women are NOT less than men. Their physical weakness is surpassed by their mental strength. A mother is 10 times mentally strong than any man in the world.

10. There’s a fine difference between feminists and feminazis

11. This

isn’t necessary. Neither is this

Some more:

  • You have no rights to call a girl slut only because she rejected a scumbag like you.
  • The girl you stare is a sister and daughter of someone!


The result of 2+2 = ? can be known here.

is pulling rickshaw easy? An incident that changed my life’s point of ivew

rickshaw driver
rickshaw puller

I always thought that riding a rickshaw would be just like riding a bicycle. One day I wanted to try and asked a cycle rickswaw driver in Bangladesh if I could have a turn.

Technically, it should be like that. Only that you’re pulling someone else with you.

His face had all those deep wrinkles from the harsh sun and rain beating down on him all day. His arms and legs were as thin as twigs. His ribcage bulged through a sweat-drenched tanktop.

I was less than half his age and at least one foot taller than him.

“no no I can’t do it,” he protested.

But I insisted and he let me mount the driver seat and he went back to the passenger seat.

I started paddling.

It didn’t even budge.

I stood up and pushed down with all my might.

The rickshaw squeaked forward a couple inches.

By this point, the driver was laughing hysterically.

I conceded defeat, we changed positions, and he sailed down the street with an ease I could not even begin to fathom.

And while he was no industry-disrupting maverick, he was solving a real problem—helping people get from A to B.

It changed my view of manual labour forever.

I learned that technique always trumps strength.

And that every honest line of work deserves our respect.